Devoted Junkie

Welcome to Devoted Junkie, fanlisting collective of Dee. Here you can find the fanlsitings I’ve joined, own and would love to own, so take a look around be sure to check out the KIM and Wishlist pages if you are looking for a fanlisting or an owner of one of your own fanlistings you’re thinking of passing on.

The majority of the fanlistings you will find here are Buffy and Angel related but you’ll find a few hidden gems as I’m a huge fan of movies and American TV show. If you find anything you are also a fan of please feel free to join the list and share the love with the rest of the world.

Devoted Junkie Stats

  • Total Fanlistings Owned: 9
  • Total Pending Fanlistings: 0
  • Total Members: 392
  • Total Pending Members: 0
  • Total Affiliates: 2
  • Total Fanlistings Joined: 104
  • Last Updated: 5th October 2024
  • Latest Fanlistings: Caterwaling

Devoted Junkie Latest Updates

30th March

Fixed issues with Indiscripts Fanlisting Script not working on new server settings. Also removed all email address of fan to protect contact details and added reCAPTCHA to all form across the collective.